Autel AutoLink AL519 VS AL419 -- OBD2 Code Reader Comparison Chart
Autel AL519 and Autel AL419 are two popular obd2 DIY scanners available on the market. They can help read and fix car engine problems.
Autel AL519 and Autel AL419 bring to the table what most OBD2 scanners cannot. They have high compatibility, offer great features and can connect to most vehicles.
Although they come from the same company Autel and have some similarities, there are still have some difference between them.
To help you pick the right one, Let’s dive into the details and learn more similarities and differences about Autel AL519 and Autel AL419.
Next, AL519 VS AL419 will be compared from basic introduce, functions, hardware and price.
Next, you will read:
AL519 VS AL419 descriptions
Autel Autolink AL519
AutoLink AL519 OBDII/EOBD Scanner supports all 10 modes of OBDII test for a complete diagnosis. Featuring the unique patented One-Click I/M Readiness Key, TFT color display and built-in speaker, the AutoLink AL519 is truly the ultimate in power and affordability, allowing users to do their jobs faster. In addition, thousands of troubleshooter code tips help technicians to save diagnosis and repair time, and the printing function allows users to print vehicle diagnosis report anytime for a better and clearer understanding of the vehicle condition.
Autel AutoLink AL519 Support More Diagnostic Functions
Autel AutoLink AL419
The Autel Autolink al419 is compatible with US domestic, Asian and European vehicle, 1996 and newer. In addition to, its ability to read and clear generic codes, manufacturer-specific codes and pending codes, turn off Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) and view freeze frame data, the AL419 features Autel's patented One-click I/M Readiness Key for quick state emission readiness check and drive cycle verification. The tool's troubleshooter code tips enable the technician to quickly get to the root cause of a trouble code faster, saving diagnosis and repair time.
Autel Al419 OBD2 Scanner
What’s OBD2 DIY Scanners
These are a bit more advanced scanner. They offer features such as O2 sensor test, clear ABS or SRS.
Autel AL519 VS AL419 Comparison Chart
AL519 VS AL419 |
![]() AL519 |
![]() AL419 |
Type | OBD2 DIY Scanner | OBD2 Code Reader |
Comparison On Functions |
Read MIL Status | √ | √ |
One Touch I/M Readiness Key | √ | √ |
View Freeze Frame Data | √ | √ |
View Live Data | √ | √ |
Read/Erase DTCs | √ | √ |
View Vehicle Information | √ | √ |
O2 Monitor Test | √ | - |
On-board Monitor Test | √ | - |
Component Test | √ | - |
Modules Present | √ | - |
Save and Play Back Data | √ | √ |
DTCs Help | √ | √ |
Print Data Via Windows-based PC | √ | √ |
Vehicle Coverage | Vehicle Compatible with OBD Protols | Vehicle Compatible with OBD Protols |
Comparison On Hardware |
Display | TFT color display (320 x 240 dpi) | TFT color display (220 x 176 dpi) |
Operating Temperature | 0 to 60°C (32 to 140 °F) | 0 to 60°C (32 to 140 F°) |
Storage Temperature | -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158 °F) | -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158 F°) |
External Power | 8.0 to 18.0 V power provided via vehicle battery | 8.0 to 18.0 V power provided via vehicle battery |
Length\Width\Height | 199 mm (7.83”)\104.5 mm (4.11”)\37.5 mm (1.48”) | 199 mm (7.83”)\104.5 mm (4.11”)\37.5 mm (1.48”) |
Weight | 0.28kg (0.75lb, without wire) 0.484kg (1.3lb, with wire) |
0.28kg (0.75lb, without wire) 0.484kg (1.3lb, with wire) |
Comparison On Price |
Price | Check AL519 Price | US $40 |
AL519 VS AL419 Summary
From the comparison chart of Autolink AL519 and AL419, Autel AL519 will be the best pick, though there are similar at some functions.
Usually, there are 3 differences between AL519 and AL419.
In terms of function, Autel AL519 not only has all the features of AL419, but it also adds 4 extra advanced functions (O2 Monitor Test, On-board Monitor Test, Component Test, and Modules Present) that will help you clear your vehicle more quickly and easily.
On the hardware, AutoLink Al519 and AL419 are almost the same, but usually most repairman more willing to use AL519. In terms of price, Al519 global sale price around US $51 though you paid more $10 than AL419, it worth it. Al419 market price around $40 but in function its more like AL319 which global price around $35.
[keywords]Autel AL519 VS AL419, different between Autolink AL519 and AL419, OBD2 Scanner Autel Autolink AL519 vs AL419 Comparison Chart, Autel AL419