Autel MaxiCheck MX808S VS MaxiCOM MK808S


What's the difference between Autel MaxiCheck MX808S and MaxiCOM MK808S?

In this article, we will make a comparison between two of the most popular Diagnostic tools from Autel: Autel MaxiCheck MX808S and Autel MaxiCOM MK808S.

Comparison Chart

Model MX808S MK808S
CPU: Rockchip 3566 Rockchip 3566
RAM & ROM: 4G & 64G 4G & 64G
Android Version: Android 11.0 Android 11.0
Screen Size: 7 inch 7 inch
Screen resolution: 1024 x 600 1024 x 600
Service Functions
Special Functions
Active Test/ Bidirectional Control
Auto VIN
Remote Desk
Work With MV108S
Cloud Management
FAC Auto Auth
Language Support Multi-language Multi-language
IP Limitation / /

Yes, from this comparison table, we can see that there is no difference in terms of hardware and functionality between Autel MX808S and Autel MK808S. The only distinction is the offline sales channel and IP restrictions enforced by dealers selling MX808S. However, if you purchase it online, you won't encounter such issues.

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